Express course
You'll feel the difference in 10 days!
• strengthen your pelvic floor muscles
• start restoring your intimate health
recovery after pregnancy and childbirth
ameliorate sensations and emotions in intimate life with your partne
Discount expires in
This course will
Help You:
Diagnose the conditions of your intimate muscles
Learn how to get rid of urinary leakage due to stress, vaginal flatulence, frequent cystitis, thrush, painful menstrual days, etc.
Find your kegel muscles and start working with them
Improve your health in the most environmentally friendly way, without pills, surgeries and expensive treatments
Prevent a lot of women's health problems
Restore the tightness of vagina, enhance the sensations for yourself and your partner.
You need
This Course If:
You are tired of treating the symptoms of women's diseases, while the cause doesn't go away
You are still recovering after pregnancy and childbirth
Menopause is approaching, and you want to delay it as far as possible
There are two ways in front of you right now:
intimate gymnastic is useful for both:
Adult Women
Getting rid of age-related problems: stress incontinence, a wide volume of the vagina, prolapse of the uterus, vaginal walls, etc.

Prevention and assistance in the treatment of fibroids, polyps, cysts, thrush, endometriosis, inflammation, hemorrhoids, pain, dryness, discomfort

Helps to delay menopause, and if it has already started, it is easy and comfortable to live with it (without hot flashes, pressure, sweating and migraines)

Elimination of "squishing sounds" from the vagina - comfort and self-confidence during intimacy

Stabilisation of hormonal levels

Libido growth

Prevention of cancer of the genitourinary system
Young Girls
Prevention of women's problems (fibroids, cystitis, cysts, thrush, etc.)

Stabilisation of the cycle, elimination of premenstrual symptoms and painful periods

Preparation for easy conception, pregnancy and childbirth

Rapid recovery of vaginal tightness and muscle tone after childbirth

Problems with conception

Increased sensations during intimacy, development of sensuality.
All you need to access the course is the INTERNET connection.
You can study anytime from anywhere
Video Tutorials
Which should be repeated daily
Express Course
BASIC VIDEO TRAINING OF INTIMATE MUSCLES, which allows you to restore muscle tone and feel it better
Access - 1 month
Here you will receive basic knowledge that will be the beginning of the path to strengthening your women's health without surgical interventions, expensive exercise equipment and medicines.
Testing and diagnosing the condition of your intimate muscles

Female anatomy and physiology in simple language

How intimate gymnastics can help with female problems

How to find the muscles of the pelvis

What you need to know about intimate gymnastics. Myths and truth.
Оlga Wells
We recommend this course for:
Girls and women who take care of beauty, health and youth seriously!
Including the most intimate places.
Our expert
Doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, 25+ years experience

Expert in women's health, sexology and family relations

Author of unique programs for the transformation of family life

As well as the author of more than 50 scientific articles on improving the life quality

Speaker at major forums

Certified nutritionist
Any woman of legal age, who has no contraindications for training, can participate.

malignant tumors and precancerous conditions of the pelvic organs and the respiratory system, the first and third trimester of pregnancy, the post-partum period - 1 month, the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
With caution:

the third degree of prolapse of the uterus and multiple growing fibroids.
The course is especially RECOMMENDED for:

patients with urinary incontinence due to stress, prolapse of the walls of the vagina and uterus, small fibroids and cysts, endometriosis, erosion, hormonal disruptions and cycle disorders, menopause and other women's health problems
After payment, you will receive an email with automatic access to the training !
After logging into your personal account, you can immediately start training !

Join our community
of Healthy and successful women!
Kindest regards,
Olga Wells

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